Outreach and Engagement

Interested in Aquaculture?

Growth in aquaculture, both nationally and globally, presents a huge opportunity for OSU. Check out the resources below to learn more about Aquaculture and be apart of an ever-growing industry.

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

Aquaculture Library

Explore aquaculture resources such as policy updates, newsletters, and fact sheets.

Guide to Permitting Marine Aquaculture in the United States (2022)

The primary purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with navigating the federal permitting process for marine aquaculture (finfish, shellfish, invertebrates, seaweed).

NAA (National Aquaculture Association)

Check out these publications.

Check out these resources on Cost and Regulations!

College of Agricultural Sciences

Aquaculture Articles

Interested in the global distribution of ocean fishing and aquaculture? Check out this article about the top ocean fishing and aquaculture producing countries. 

Mapped: Ocean Fishing and Aquaculture Around the World


Check out this National Geographic article about the "Blue Revolution".

Can the "blue revolution" solve the world's food puzzle?