

Field Stations, Experiments Stations, Extension Offices and Labs

The Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is a distinguished marine laboratory located in Newport, Oregon.

HMSC serves as Oregon State University’s coastal campus and as an oceanographic research base for six state and federal agencies, as well as a resource for education groups and the public. A variety of marine aquaculture labs are found throughout the coastal campus. 

HMSC Website

Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station (COMES)

Although all of the applied research conducted by the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station is related to the utilization and conservation of marine resources, the COMES faculty represent a diverse group of disciplines investigating a wide range of issues.

COMES Website



The Oregon Hatchery Research Center

The Oregon Hatchery Research Center is a cooperative research project between the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Oregon State University Department of Fisheries & Wildlife.

OHRC Website


Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station

Oregon's Marine Experiment Station, collaborating with the fishing and seafood industry, agencies, and our local maritime communities as the state’s primary research engine supporting use and conservation of marine resources.

COMES Website


Aquaculture Collaborative Research

The Aquaculture Unit, a center within the College of Agricultural Sciences since 1999, has served as the home for international aquaculture programs such as the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Aquaculture & Fisheries (formerly AquaFish CRSP), and other projects. 

AquaFish Innovation Lab


Pacific Marine Energy Center

PMEC is a consortium of universities focused on the responsible advancement of marine energy, including wave, tidal, riverine, and offshore wind resources. Researchers from the University of Washington, Oregon State University, and University of Alaska Fairbanks work closely with marine energy technology developers, academic and National Laboratory researchers, coastal community members, ocean users, federal and state regulators, and other government officials to address key challenges in the sector and accelerate its emergence.

PMEC Website


Seafood Network Information Center

SeafoodNIC is designed to assist the seafood industry and regulators implement seafood HACCP procedures.

SNIC Website


Oregon Sea Grant 

Oregon Sea Grant's work shares aquaculture results with the general public and with aquaculture stakeholders, including public policy makers and entrepreneurs.

Oregon Sea Grant Website