Advancing Improvements in Aquaculture
Aquaculture is the globe’s fastest growing animal protein industry and a vital food sector for meeting the nutritional needs of the world’s rapidly growing population. Oregon State University has a rich history in aquaculture research and education, a diversity of programs, and a broad base of critical assets. To maximize the university’s potential and support stakeholder needs, a diverse group of OSU faculty are working on developing aquaculture strategic concepts that take an enterprise approach to knowledge translation, innovation and partnerships while building international research distinction. To learn more about the diversity of aquaculture at OSU, and view the White Paper click here
Oregon State University Aquaculture Research Survey
The OSU Aquaculture website allows faculty to learn about Aquaculture research conducted by their colleagues as well as demonstrate the diversity, size, and importance of our collective research programs. In order to better keep track and showcase these projects, Aquaculture faculty have created a survey for researchers to take.
The goal of this survey is to collect Aquaculture research and publications conducted by Oregon State University or in partnerships with OSU. Researchers, projects, and publications will be showcased on the OSU Aquaculture website.
If you would like your work to be featured please scan the QR code below or visit this link MACO Aquaculture Survey.
What is Aquaculture?
Aquaculture is the breeding, rearing and harvesting of fish, shellfish, plants, algae, and other organisms in fresh or salt water.
Oregon Aquaculture
Oregon aquaculture farms raise oysters, clams, salmon, trout, ornamental fish, seaweeds and algae. For more information about Oregon aquaculture, visit the Oregon Aquaculture Association.
Oregon Aquaculture Locations Map
View Oregon's various aquaculture locations, including research, industry, and educational facilities. Download the map HERE
Aquaculture Facilities
Interested in aquaculture located throughout Oregon? Check out some of the centers and facilities connected to aquaculture.
Aquaculture Events
Interested in getting your feet wet in aquaculture? Check out some of the upcoming aquaculture events both located in Oregon and across the country.
Aquaculture at OSU
Department: Microbiology
Disease of importance to finfish and shellfish in aquaculture
Contact: Ryan Mueller, Mike Kent, Jerri Barhtolomew
Department: Earth Science
Degree Offered: MA-Marine Resource Management w/Fisheries & Aquaculutre Emphasis
Department: Fisheries & Wildlife
Degrees offered: MS and PhD in Fisheries with an emphasis in aquaculture
Centers: Seafood Research and Education Center and the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station
Contact: Chris Landgon, Professor